Our commitment to the Cevennes Ecotourism Association
Being located in the Cevennes National Park, an exceptional territory, listed on the UNESCO World Heritage site, we wanted to engage in a process of sustainable and responsible tourism as soon as we took over the campground in 2011
We therefore joined the Cevennes Ecotourism Association in 2014. It brings together almost a hundred tourism professionals residing in the Cevennes National Park who have chosen to strive together to make constant progress for quality tourism in the respect of the natural and cultural environment of the Cevennes. Our commitments are based on a framework document : The European Charter for sustainable tourism in protected areas (CETS).
We have applied and since this year we are signatories of the European Charter of sustainable tourism in protected areas, managed by the Cevennes National Park.
Our commitment as all members of the Cevennes Ecotourism is to receive you « with a difference» in collaboration with the villages and hamlets for a special welcome in harmony with an exceptional heritage where respect for our natural environment come first. All this in sharing and fun !
Start of the ecovoisins! (the econeighbors)
Given the vast territory and diversity represented, it appeared necessary last year to create a network at the level of our valley inside the Cevennes Ecotourism Association and the concept of Ecovoisins was born. Welcoming, preserving and sharing are the common values of the Ecovoisins as well as the desire to propose a slow tourism based on Ecotourism ! Take your time and slowly and deeply discover a country that is dear to those who open it and the one that stay in the heart of those who choose to stay there for awhile, the precious time of discovery. The network expanded to artists, local producers who propose baskets of their produce, cultural activities and local products.
Our engagement for Ecotourisme:
• Energy saving low consumption bulbs, excess flow water valves.
• Waste sorting
• Composting on the entire site
• Awareness of water and energy savings
• Unusual accomodations close to nature
• Ecological cleaning products
• Solar panels for sanitary water
• Signature of the European Charter for sustainable tourism in protected areas
Our projets :
• Wood furnace for the restaurant heating
• Eco lodging to be built
• Dry toilets
• Build and instal bird nests
See the site on Ecotourisme