Dear Customers, Dear Customers,

We think of each one of you in these difficult times and sincerely hope that you and your loved ones are doing well, that’s essential.
Faced with the exceptional situation we live in, we must take special measures for the good of everyone.
Reservations are open, Valérie and Fabrice are always at your service.
You can call us at or send us an email:

Even if the planet sends us back to living in the present moment and it is difficult to plan, following Decree No. 2020-423 of April 14, 2020 authorizing campsites to open from May 11, 2020, our campsite will therefore open to this date. This is a starting point to consider a smooth recovery. We are therefore currently working in partnership with our Federation FNHPA and the authorities to welcome you as best as possible in complete safety and serenity in this beautiful Nature that awaits you, to recharge your batteries.
For this, a charter of good practices is being drawn up with strict health protocols. As professionals, we can guarantee its follow-up and this will be controlled by the state services. Cleanliness has always been of paramount importance to us and we will further reinforce this concern and train our staff in new health constraints. As in previous years, our laundry is treated by the laundry at Vigan hospital.
For information, you have a medical center and a pharmacy in the village of Valleraugue at 3 km. The nearest hospital center is that of Vigan at 22 km and you have a clinic in Ganges at 30 km.
We will inform you about all that is possible to do nearby, on the open shops in the village. We will offer you packed lunches and take-away meals prepared in our restaurant (whether open or not) and respecting the health standards in force. The campsite grocery store will be in operation from the opening.

Managing your stay at Camping Le Mouretou

Here are the solutions we have implemented to answer your questions:
If you have subscribed to our cancellation guarantee, this does not cover the risk of a Covid 19 pandemic.

On stays planned in April and until May 11
The solution to build together: we suggest that you postpone your stay to “another date in the 2020 season”, free of charge. The price of your stay may vary depending on the new dates chosen together.
Contact us for availability.
If a postponement of your stay is not possible on another date in the 2020 season, we offer you a “credit” valid for 18 months for a stay in 2021.
If you have booked via a booking platform or another channel and not directly with us, the postponement or cancellation can only be done through them. We invite you to contact them directly.

On stays planned in June, July, August
For the moment, postponements are not envisaged. If the health crisis situation were to persist on the date of your stay, you would benefit from these same solutions, with a postponement of your stay without risk of losing the sums paid.
We are at your disposal to advise you on your stay.

😊 An unprecedented proposal “Postpone your stay during the All Saints Holidays at Camping Le Mouretou”
We keep the campsite open for you until November 1, 2020.

We look forward to welcoming you to Le Mouretou, after this unprecedented situation and to surrounding you with joy and kindness, until then, take good care of yourself, your family and your loved ones.

We tell you very soon and we remind you that we are at your disposal for all your requests.

With all our dedication,

Valérie et Fabrice

Assurance annulation Spécial COVID
Cancellation Insurance – COVID 19